This is a summary of our experience in working with & training squirrel dogs.
We are still making some adjustments to this page & will be expounding on some of the topics below, so check back.
This page is only for your reference. We do not train squirrel dogs to sell. If you have questions, please contact us!
You're only going to get out of a dog what you put into it.
Always end on a positive note.
Reward & Repetition
There is no timeline for dog training, of any kind.
Some curs will pick up training early on,
and others won't put it all together until closer to 2 years old.
If he’s not cooperating, take a break from training. If you’ve had a long day, skip the training session to avoid the risk of negative association. Just play with your dog.
There will be times to LEAVE a squirrel!
If your dog doesn’t perform properly, do not shoot that squirrel. The squirrel is the reward. Make sure that your reward only reinforces the right behaviors.
For example, if he barks on a tree & the squirrel is 2 trees over, LEAVE it.
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Duke is looking for a retirement home where he can hunt a little, and rest a little!